April Showers May Bring You May Flowers, Let's Hope
April showers May Bring May Flowers, but my planting usually begins in March! Hahaha, had to say that. I love that rhyme. It's true though. I do start planting seeds in March. I don't know why, it just always seemed instinctually correct. Well, that, and when I was in Adult Education in school I took horticulture for a while, and just enjoyed it very much. It was a different type of high School. But that's totally. It's personal.Anyhow, March is a good time to think about where to put your veggies, flowers, shrubs etc..it a good time for me anyhow! Last-minute frost, or not, I put my seeds out, and thank God. Trust him too. I figure, he'll make sure they come along just fine, and they do Shoot, I used to have a Miranda Rose Bush that would bloom all winter. My friends used to ask me, " Why does your Rose bloom in winter?" I thought "God"I figure with all the talking I did to those roses, God just winked his eye, and made them special. I lov...