
Showing posts from January, 2020

April Showers May Bring You May Flowers, Let's Hope

April showers May Bring May Flowers, but my planting usually begins in March! Hahaha, had to say that. I love that rhyme. It's true though. I do start planting seeds in March. I don't know why, it just always seemed instinctually correct. Well, that, and when I was in Adult Education in school I took horticulture for a while, and just enjoyed it very much. It was a different type of high School. But that's totally. It's personal.Anyhow, March is a good time to think about where to put your veggies, flowers, shrubs a good time for me anyhow! Last-minute frost, or not, I put my seeds out, and thank God. Trust him too. I figure, he'll make sure they come along just fine, and they do Shoot, I used to have a Miranda Rose Bush that would bloom all winter. My friends used to ask me, " Why does your Rose bloom in winter?" I thought "God"I figure with all the talking I did to those roses, God just winked his eye, and made them special. I lov...

Food, Food, And More Glorious Food!

 A great suggestion for saving money from time to time on the grocery bill, is picking your produce for reuse. It's worked great for me, when I had a small rental with a yard. Whenever you grocery shop, you probably do like I do. I hit the produce section right away. I love produce, but I'd rather grow my own, or buy from Farmers. It's so much fresher, healthier, and you take more pride in growing your own . I used to come home from work, and enjoy the garden so much, the relaxed feeling I would get from watering my garden everyday . I would water my flowers , and my vegetables. I guess people thought I was crazy or something, but that's what I do. I talk to my plants and animals. It's a proven fact that animals become more connected to humans, and vocalize more, and plants respond to beautiful music, and quiet loving chit chat in a positive way. So look it up, and talk away to your plants. They love it.  Also, I'm a naturalist, I used as many natural it...

For Anyone Out There Struggling With The Grocery Bill

It doesn't matter who you are, if you want to save some more on the grocery bill, and you are on food stamps, it may help to check out this little known fact that's not always mentioned, but should be . Food Stamps also cover vegetable seeds. Yes vegetable seeds! Check it out. I thought my friend, who was a helper at an attorney's office was pulling my leg a long time ago when she let me know. So when I went to the store,I tried to get some seeds. It can be done in any store, and the lady rang them up . And yes, they went through. They're are USDA approved, so they are allowed. You can not only save some on groceries, but the kids will enjoy watching the garden grow. They'll also enjoy helping. I know my little one did! It's a great way to save, and spend time with the family doing something productive. So go ahead, and plant your garden. Don't even ask. The register machine separates your food items from non food items. Just add them in. Trust me. I...