Weeds, Are They Wiggling Their Way Into Your Garden?
Weeds. They're pests. But you can do some things to get rid of some of them.One of the older, and tried remedies if you have some plants, and flowers, is to put a bit of mulch around them.The best way to find out how much should be around them is to ask the extension office. They help with almost everything.They are a wealth of knowledge. Another alternative is pluck them out. It's time consuming, but at times you need the relaxation. Weeding the garden used to help me relieve stress. I always felt better after fiddling with the garden.My bulbs were my favorite. I used to dig them up in the spring, and separate them and place them where I wanted my new Gladiolas to be. By Summer, I had a flower bed full of Gladiolas and Elephant Ears. And I always kept them all trimmed to look nice. If you want to find out more about natural ways that might help in controlling pests in the garden, looking on the internet may help. No guarantees anything will work real well. You'll ...