April Showers May Bring You May Flowers, Let's Hope
April showers May Bring May Flowers, but my planting usually begins in March!
Hahaha, had to say that. I love that rhyme. It's true though. I do start planting seeds in March. I don't know why, it just always seemed instinctually correct. Well, that, and when I was in Adult Education in school I took horticulture for a while, and just enjoyed it very much. It was a different type of high School. But that's totally. It's personal.Anyhow, March is a good time to think about where to put your veggies, flowers, shrubs etc..it a good time for me anyhow!
Last-minute frost, or not, I put my seeds out, and thank God. Trust him too. I figure, he'll make sure they come along just fine, and they do Shoot, I used to have a Miranda Rose Bush that would bloom all winter. My friends used to ask me, " Why does your Rose bloom in winter?" I thought "God"I figure with all the talking I did to those roses, God just winked his eye, and made them special. I loved all my flowers. Bachelor's buttons, Marigold, Gladiolas, Elephant Ears. I had a jungle out front. The birds enjoyed it. They drank from the tree trunk hole every day.And the squirrels of course. It was the waterhole for animals, and I made sure they had water in it.
My backyard was a different story. It mostly had baby corn I didn't start rally growing the vegetables until I was further out. And boy, I loved it. I had snow peas, cherry tomatoes, squash, petite watermelon, cantaloupe, but not much in flowers. It was a work in progress. Somehow, I thought it would always be that way. To me, it's like the frost kinda snaps the seeds into motion. Wakes them up so to speakYes March is the time for me. Warmer weather, the sun shines more, the birds are chirping. It's a winderitime to start planting.
I'd like each of you reading this to do one thing. Just a little thing. Each person take time out on the 3rd. of March to plant 1 vegetable seed in the ground somewhere, and pour a bit of water over it every couple days, and wait for it to grow.
If you can love a plant, you're showing your live to God. And it's relaxing too. Talk to it. That plant's your buddy now . This is your baby from this day forth. Take care of it.
You don't need a yard to plant a seed of a small stature. It can be an apartment window. Or a windowsill that's sunny. Or a bathroom window that needs sprucing up. Try it. It's great for the soul. By far, it appears that April is a pretty busy month for fog in the evening, and showers anytime. So it may be the soggiest month yet. But that should be great for the vegetables and any flower, shrubs, tree sapplings, or shrubs you've recently planted .
All the better. This should be just right for your garden. This is like getting fresh food. Enjoy the garden.
Marcia R. Domer