When Your Plant Says: "Gimme some Elbow Room!!!"

Its odd. We, as human beings never realize the things we have in common with plants. They have a love for pretty music, and cheerful tones, so do we. They adore attention, so do we at times. They like quiet conversations, us too. And they also have some physical features in common too!They have Elbows, which are important, which I'll explain how they're vital to your plant, especially if they are a Pothos, or another vining plant similar to it.

Elbows(also known as joints), are like your plant's lifeline. This may be where you notice new growth. Often times it is where new branches bud from, or new leaves.
Every once in a while, it doesn't hurt to check for new growth, and clear any old debris that may be slowing down new twigs, branches, or leaves .

As the weather gets warmer, it's always a good idea to clear out any debris from your plants, including veggies. You feel better when you clean up, they do too . And it healthier (generally speaking), to keep your growth dirt free. That being said, the less dirt they are in contact with, the better. It not only gives your plant a better appearance, but you'll have healthier food consumption, and better produce output most likely.

Even your veggies have them. They just look straighter. 
So, if you have old leaves just hangin' on, pinch them off, it'll give your plant room to grow.On a Pothos, look for the joints in the vine, if you notice any dried up leaves, or parts of the vine that are looking pretty out of sorts, then pinch them, or just snip them off with scissors. Plants grow better if they get a little TLC. I think they sense the love.The same can be done with most plants. Just look for the Y, joint, or a crook, in the plant.  As Spring is around the bend, it will be that time when everyone will be about, snipping, and clipping. 

There are some very informative sites on the internet with good advice. I would like to recommend some to you I find appealing. This one I like because he's doing natural pruning. And he's very practical, and down to earth. 
You should really check it out.You could also ask a neighbor for advice if they have plants which are doing well they can be helpful too.I always say, "If it feels like your plant would probably have a better chance, try it."But pruning, and primping seem to be enjoyed by all plants. If you need to get the pruning shears out, go ahead. Roses need trimming also. I usually just snip them back a few inches, and almost weekly I would go out, and pluck any blooms that were dried up. It just appeared nicer that way.

I did the same with my others too. Keeping a good look .Next up we'll cover harvesting your veggies, and planting with plastic wrap in your vegetable garden.
Vargas lanscaping.biz- YouTube
"Weekend Projects" by Apartment Therapy- Pinterest

Have a good day!


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