Netting for Insects and Other Pests

Netting can be a great product. If it were me, I'd just use the finest one I could find. Just makes more sense. No worry about other pests of any type getting in your garden.  A light color appears to be more suitable because it would causes  less heat in the warmer climates, so as not to harm plants.It appears fairly simple to use. Arrange it over your garden, and secure it with something on stakes which you arrange around the garden using stakes of some sort, and adhere to stakes securely, then pin corners down with something heavy to hold Netting securely into place.

You can protect vegetables which produce close to the ground for better growth, and healthier plants. When to cover your plants is totally up to you. I would cover mine when they are about a few inches tall.
At about the size they are (pictured above), you want to begin to separate them, and plant them in the ground. This is when I would begin to cover them for protection from pests. I've only grown squash as ground bearing produce, nothing else. Never really got around to much of anything else. Hey, at least I'm honest about it. When your plants start producing it's a wonderful time. Everybody can join in the harvest swing . Gather the entire family to assist. The toddlers will enjoy it tremendously, and you'll get to enjoy the fresh air.

If you plant corn, you'll want enjoy having beautiful lush green stalks in your yard. They grow nice, and tall, and have a beautiful color. Even if you don't have a very big yard(which I didn't at one time) you can grow a small amount of corn.  Okra grows on stalks also. And they are usually pretty strong. I let mine develop into they were about 2 1/2 inches long, and then picked them. Boil them, or fry them with batter. They are delicious. 
These are produce I usually didn't cover. They grow too tall, and I'm really short. But I grew them anyway. That didn't stop me. Carrots are delicious, and are fairly easy to grow. Beets also. Another great vegetable to grow is cucumbers. They usually are ground produce, but also are plentiful, and can be grown pretty easily. Videos are plentiful, which show over, and over again how useful netting is, and what it can and can't do for you. It is just one of those things that needs to be researched to find out what best suits your needs.

Also, fruit should be protected with netting too. But other scavengers such as squirrels may decide to munch down. I have listened to lots of suggestions for that. Shooting at them, has been one option, but that seems cruel. They are hungry, just like any other animal, so I think a good option may be to plant your fruit trees where they will not be as easily accessible to squirrels and others like them, and to find out where they are coming in (their path), then maybe put foods which they love in their path to distract them and keep them busy. I'd rather cut up a few pieces of fruit, and throw in a few nuts & berries in a bowl. Put it on a stand with some water and see what occurs, than to see a whole crop go to waste. If they wiggle past that, maybe get some suggestions from a forestry person. I mean, your dealing with a wild animal. Perhaps even racoons.
Constructing Row Covers- Oklahoma Gardening- YouTube
Inexpensive Bird Netting Frame for Strawberries- YouTube
Does Netting Your Fruit Protect it from Birds? The Results Are In|Jeff Bernhard- Youtube
tfsweb Forest service (tx).



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