Gimme A Towel!!

If you've got baby plants (seedlings), it may be best to take them indoors for a bit. Looks as if it may get pretty chilly for them. If that's not possible, then cover them to protect them from cold, and too much rain.

This can be done by putting a few small sticks in the ground nearby for support of the plastic covering them. Then place a small rock, brick, or anything with weight on edge of plastic to keep them covered. 
It will protect them from wind, rain, and cold. Also, if you'd like to give them rainwater, that's still a possibility. 
Just set a old pan, or any container nearby to catch rainwater, and once the weather is nice, you can give them fresh, nurishing, rainwater.They'll love you for it. 

If they're inside already, please make sure they get sunlight a couple hours a day, or use what they call a grow lamp. But check your distance before using this piece of equipment, as young plants could possibly be harmed if over-exposed.Put young ones up high. Out of reach of animals, but where you'll see them each day upon arrival from work, so you can check on them.

Now, if they're old enough, you may want to start prepping them for growth. 
If they are devolping leaves, and they appear matured enough, you may want to help them along by pruning the sucker leaves off as they mature. Also dead leaves too. They are getting more mature, these leaves hinder their growth. 

Sucker leaves are recognized as the very first leaves all seedlings have. They all generally look the same. They are usually rounded. They are the very first leaves you see on your plant. They usually come off with time, but I like to help my plants along if possible.  Be careful if you pick them though,(they can usually be pinched off) at times you can accidentally break the stem. And the plant won't make it generally after that. It's life supply has be cut short.
There are many different ways to tend to your plants, but I prefer the old- fashioned way.

And if you're on a budget, this is very helpful. Ask some older folks for advice too. Some are old wives tales, but a lot of times using some of their advice can ba extremely beneficial.Remember to cultivate that soil, as they get old enough to be in a larger pot,or in the ground. 
If they are in a pot that's not got enough room for proper cultivation, then do what I used to do. Upon entering the room, just give your plant a turn or two of the soilby giving it a gentle turn or two.

Enjoy your garden. It's a blessing. 


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