Time To Cheer It Up Around Here!

How do your flowers grow?  I took horticulture in high school, and I loved the little flowers like they were my children. They are, in a way. If you can raise a flower, you can raise a puppy. Flowers are especially nice around your house. They add beauty, and shine to anyplace. Just a sprinkle of them, here, or there is all you need.

They are inexpensive, and easy to grow with love and care. You can go to any dollar store of any type and get a reasonably priced small planter, some potting soil(small bag), and seeds, and plant them in March on the very 1st. day, and have patience. It's fun watching and waiting for them to sprout up and grow. As you grow them, you may notice yellowing of the leaves, don't give as much water. This is usually a sign of too much watering. 

Occasionally, it may still get chilly. I always bring mine in just to be safe. They're very delicate when they're growing.Make sure you plant your flowers in a suitable pot. The height of your flower, and the circumference of final growth in bloom, should give you great indication of what size pot it needs for the roots to have proper room for comfort. 

Usually the circumference(width around), of your top growth is the extent of the roots. And that is the size pot for them you'll need. Example: If I plant Pansies, I want to put them in a 4-5inch planter. If you look at a tree, if you'll notice, it's branches are just a bit longer than the roots. Seriously. When you dig up a small tree, notice the roots, they almost match the branches in length, especially when they are young. So, this should give you a heads up on the size of the pot to put it in. As it grows you may want to change the pot, to give its roots(feet), more growth. It's like changing shoes as you grow!!lol!! 

Anyway, I'll explain how to gently change your plant's ,or flowers shoes in the next article. I learned way back in the 70's there's a gentle way to handle your plants and flowers when changing their shoes for growth. Flowers make anyplace seem more cheerful. They can enhance a property. Nobody really appreciates a place as much as they do as when it has some flowers and shrubbery. 

Flowers make a place more eye appealing, gives it curb appeal, and finesse. Leave the choice of a vegetable garden to the prospective buyers. But give them that choice . You can greatly enhance your chances of selling your home if you have a pretty front yard. So when, and if a tenant offers to plant some flowers or shrubbery in your yard, take them up on it if they agree to leave them there. It will help improve the property.
Ken's Trees- youyube

Marcia Boutilier Domer


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