Compost Do you Need One and How to get Started
Composting is a great asset to your plants. It's adds the nutrients your veggies and fruits need.If you're on a shoestring budget beginning a compost can be as simple as putting out your some of your garbage out. As a matter of fact, you may be. And you'll be recycling, which helps the planet in more ways than one.
If you sit down, and think about it you'll be surprised at how many ways you'll be helping your plants, and Mother Earth. A compost is full of nutrients and minerals, which are good for your plants. So just think; you'll be doing the earth, worms, and other tiny beggars, which assist in making your compost possible, a huge favor. Not to mention the worms that could be used for fishing from time to time. And you're reducing your carbon footprint.
You want your compost to have a well balanced mixture of greens and browns (leaves and grass). Short on leaves? Dried pine needles, or go to a public place and bring some old fallen wood home to chip up. Also Ash is good for most of your veggies, used in moderation. It will assist them in growing healthier, and they'll taste great. NOTE: Please watch the video below before using Ash in your garden for specific guidance.
If you're looking for a plant that develops fairly quick, and is a good snack later, look no more. The wonderful peanut is at hand within a few days you'll have a plant started. Just keep damp and next thing you know you'll have peanut bush . It doesn't get very tall. It's a little thing, but boy look out, this powerful little fella grows about 40 peanuts per plant, and theproduce below ground. Watch for they produce below ground, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, dig up the plant, gently shake off the dirt, let them dry a couple weeks, harvest rinse them off in the sink. They're good to go.
Peanuts can be very simple to grow, and a great snack after harvested. They can just be snacked on, or made into peanut butter. It's not that hard to make. There's a site below for that too. Pineapples are a good fruit too, and sweet. Although they take a bit longer to grow in comparison to peanuts which come up in a matter of days.
Noted below is Selfsufficientme with information on growing Pineapples, and harvesting them. It's very easy. There will be future posts like these with ideas for recipes for your garden also. Remember, no matter how large, or small your space, you can always grow something.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and others as well. I always strive to bring my readers the best research I can find. If you find any out there I should look over, please let me know. I'm always open to new gardening ideas.
As always, happy gardening!