Spices- can you make your own?

People use them every day when they cook. They give a wonderful zest to our food dishes we cook, and to our palate. We savor the aroma as it mingles through the air. But, the scent of every spice is not pleasing to everyone. There are some which can be too much to bare. As you'll see from one of the videos.

The question is: "Can we prepare them?"
well we're about to find out. You're growing your own Tomatoes right? Bell peppers, Oregano, Basil, Parley, Onions,Garlic, etc... Yes? Why not take it a step further? Can you? The answer is in the video below. Yes, you can, and it's a very interesting process, and it's amazing how many spices we can make in our own kitchen.

I know, right now you're probably thinking of how much a dehdrator may cost. Not to worry at the moment. There are other methods. Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano....they'll all make you home smell delicious too, if you decide to dry them inside .

There are three links I am putting below. All of them are very good. I have no preference to one method, or the other. But if you're like me, and love to garden, but have very limited funds, you have options available to you.There are two ways that I have found that are useful for drying spices, and obtaining your own from the garden . The choice is uo to you, which one you choose.

I was very enthralled with the idea of obtaining my own little yard again after, and drying my own herbs after seeing the videos. It's really pretty cut, and dry making your own spices. I encourage you to try it, and to seek out some of the videos about where they come from, and all the hard work which goes into getting some of them here.

I take it back. I just saw the video I fell in love with. My favorite. This lady is ingeniious. I never in a million years would have come up with the idea she did . And it's right under everybody's nose!! Absolutely peachy!!Haha. Please I hope you all will watch these. 

For interesting articles about where some of  our favorite foods are from, and what it takes to get them here, I'd  suggest watching some reliable programs on YouTube , like National Geographic about how they are produced and brought here.  Some are for medicinal purposes. 
Take for example Aloe Vera, I can remember years ago, when I was very young(maybe the seventies), being introduced me to the Aloe Vera Plant long before it became a market sensation for sunburn. I had a severe one, and my neighbor informed  my mother and to bring me over before going to a hospital. 
She took me to see her elderly friend, and she gave my mom a plant, and told her how to use it on me. I felt much needed relief by evening, and the burn had cleared up tremendously. Thank God, I didn't need to go to the hospital. I was about right years old when that happened. Now every time someone gets sunburned I mention Aloe Vera plants.
Making Your Own Spices from Scratch-Joshua Weissman-Youtube
Dry Your Own Culinary Herbs-Homesteading Family-Youtube
Off Grid Her Drying-No Electricity or Dehydrator- YouTube
Dehydrating Food Without Electricity Sustainable Ideas For Life-youtube



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