
Owning a garden  you now have the freedom to make your own recipes from fresh fruit and vegetables. What a delight!!!! Oh my God, I wish I could say the same right now. I've got the garden bug out the wazoo!!

Now is the time to get growing and picking. You have the wonderful opportunity to grow and steam or sear your vegetable, and add whatever delicious seasonings to your meal. I would pick my veggies when I had a yard garden, and sear them in a pan with seasonings to give them added zest. Growing your own herbs and spices can give you the extra added zesty taste which Everybody loves.

You can even make sauces and dressings to flavor it up. I'm very creative in the kitchen too so perhaps you could come up with a new type of sauce, meal, or dressing that would make a special dinner even more special to you and your family.
There are all kinds of delicious recipes for sauces and dressings and other items you can come up with. You could make juices as well also.

You now have the ability to come up with an entire meal if you'd like. There are pesto, tomato, Alfredo sauces. There are dressings of all kinds. There are chili sauces, and delicious and nutritious juices.  You can be creative in the fruit section and make a tropical fruit drink for this summer if you have any fruit trees. Even having a small lemon tree can give you a multitude of options. 

There are summer pleasing punches to be made, and even some frozen goodies for those very hot summer days for the kids. You can create frozen treats that are out of this world for yourself, neighbors, friends, and family. Maybe you see someone occasionally who is out in the heat of the summer and would really enjoy a nice cool popsicle. You don't have to make popsicles. You only need ice cube trays, and toothpicks, or wooden popsicle sticks, or something similar. Be creative. Or even freeze some fruit for those very hot summer days. Sprinkle some cut up fruit pieces with a dash of sugar, and put them in a foil- made bowl, cover with clear plastic wrap, stick it in the freezer, or fridge to cool, and serve up when someone really needs a cooling down and a break. Even squeeze just a dab of whipped cream on top to add real yummy to it.

Or do like I did. Grab some shrimp at nearby store, peel it, get it ready to use, get some broccoli, baby carrots  cut up a small squash, maybe add some mushrooms, add a dash of real butter sear your shrimp, and veggies in a saucepan, get it searing really nicely, splash some Regina Cooking Sherry Wine over it so it sizzles real nicely, and let it summer for about a minute, or two. Just until the broccoli is breakable, but still has crunch to it. It's delicious. They'll be coming back for more. The cooking sherry wine is just for cooking. It is not a beverage. It adds a beautiful flavor, and compliments the food tremendously. (I told you my mother loved to be creative in the kitchen!) She taught me well. My mother came up with some of her own dressings too, and whenever she could make her own stuff she would. That was just her style. She watched Julia Child every day devotedly. And she became a top notch cook in our house in my opinion.  She cherished her favorite cookbook which was given to her one Anniversary by a friend Lorna when we all lived up north. It was Festive Foods. And she passed it on to me, with her own added recipes in it. It's been stolen since then. But I cherished it as much as she did.

You can be as creative as my mother was. When in your garden, just think of the combination of vegetables you would like to cook together. Try to think not only of the flavor,  but the color too. A good dish must be eye appealing too. It makes someone's mouth begin to water at just the sight alone of the forthcoming meal.

I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I really had a blast going down the cooking and gardening trail with you. I want to thank each and every one of my readers for your continued support and devotion. Happy gardening!

Ornamental Plants for the Food Gardener- Why Grow Them & What to Look For-Self Sufficinte Me- YouTube



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