Plant Support
You have Peas, you have beans, you even have some Tomatoes. But do they have some support? Do they need it? Well, I'm sure they would welcome it. Seedling support??? Fertilizer money??? Lol!!!! Not that kind, but support to help them stand up under the weight of the vegetables as they produce them.
I'm sure all would welcome some help every now and then, but we're chatting about veggies here. As your vegetables grow taller and thicker, they may need some stabilizing method. As they become taller and look lanky as very young seedlings still in containers you may get a chuckle or two about their surprising overnight developments which can make you smile. Some seedlings (if grown indoors), develop shockingly quick overnight, as the one I posted which grew very long fingers overnight and even though bent is adorably hanging on dearly to a pole.
But as they become mature they may need extra support. And this may mean a cage, or a wood stick and something to hold it in place . The other amazing development overnight, or during the day is their growth, and their move towards the sun , no matter how they catch the light, they're determined little buggers.You can ask for advice in the garden section at any store, especially Walmart. The garden people are more than happy to advise on the best option depending on what type of vegetable you have. Or contact a local Nursery, or Extension office for guidance. Once you find out the best option, you may even already have something you can put together for it in your own backyard, saving you the time and money.
For those who wonder what a cage is, it's exactly what it implies. A cage for your plant. It holds the limbs and leaves inside and gives it something to rest the limbs on, grab hold of with vines, and grow with support. These cages can be wire, or you may want a plastic one, which offers a smooth comfortable surface.If not used your Tomatoes could weigh the plant down in places, causing breakage or limps causing more problems. Either way, give them some support as they mature. Something is better than nothing, and experimentation is a very good way to learn as well as books.
I mentioned earlier that as seedlings they grow fast at times. Sometimes unually quick. At times this can be quite comical, as they will go wherever the sun or any light leads them. One fine example of this is one morning I awoke to find every one of my scallions leaning precariously to one side. They appeared as if someone had taken to brushing them as if they were a tuft of hair. I had forgotten they were in the windowsill, and they followed the setting sun, all the way to the other side of the bowl. Needless to say, I took my one inch seedlings, and turned them around. Now they are in the habit of dancing with the sun every day. They go to the right, then the left. I get a chuckle from them . This just shows: they are very much alive. If it is kept quiet in my room they also seem to respond better. Less fuss with the leaves, and the color deeper . So yes. They are sensitive to noise.
I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy planting!