Having a Garden and Making It Yours
There's nothing like having your own vegetable garden to eat from, it gives you a great feeling of success, and you eat much healthier. That is a fact. There are success stories out there, and I want you to see them. There are people who have a place, and some who start with very little to work with. If you can grow one vegetable plant that's a start.
There are people who are without a place to live, and those with could begin to help by choosing to put one vegetable plant in your yard for offering others to have something to eat. Or pick a few veggies, and make a little basket for those less fortunate. I was once told by someone important that " It's important to help those that need a hand up, and what they do with your gift of offering is between them, and God." The fantastic part is you know you helped, and that's all that matters. I guess that's why in part that I'd like to garden again. To contribute back to society. Right now I'm busy trying to obtain that goal.
You could pick Peas and Tomatoes, and saute them together with a dab of butter, and some home-grown green onions for flavor. Makes a delicious dish. Toss some Broccoli, Carrots, and vinegar dressing with a splash of Honey for a nice cool salad. Or make shake with some Blueberries, and Strawberries, and some other berries. If you have no way of blessing them, just put a bit of Sugar in a bowl beside them for dipping.
Got enough room for Corn? If so, then why not pick, a few potatoes and some Broccoli to Grill with an onion. Makes a great snack. And everything tastes so much better when it's home grown and freshly picked.
You can grow all sorts of things in the southern areas of the States. And you grow a large variety of herbs in the south also, and sprinkle them generously all over and into your vegetables no matter how you choose to make them . If it's vining vegetables you have, then plant a little nearer to the fence. It will give it someplace to climb, plus you can allow passersby to pluck a few along the way if they get hungry. You'd be helping in your own way.
Or plant a patch of Peanuts or something nearby the outside of your yard for more than just appearance. Try not to put more than you can stand to lose in case of animals or someone with the wrong idea. So there's no hard feelings. If someone's really hungry sometimes their eyes are a bit bigger than their stomach. They don't mean harm. Things happen when people are stuck outside. It changes their Outlook of things. And it's horrible for anyone to be hungry.
You may even want to grow a small Orange Tree in your back yard. Whatever you choose to plant, have fun and enjoy planting and watching it grow. Until next time, happy planting!!
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100% Home-grown Meal from Rob Greenfield's front Garden- Rob Greenfield- YouTube
Growing and Foraging 100% of My Food- Day 333 Update- Rob Greenfield- YouTube
100% Home-grown Meal from Rob Greenfield's front Garden- Rob Greenfield- YouTube
Growing and Foraging 100% of My Food- Day 333 Update- Rob Greenfield- YouTube