Gardening When You're A Senior and The Benefits

Gardening is a great way to stay in shape, get some fresh air, and enjoy the great outdoors. There are many benefits to gardening as we get older. It's not just a hobby for a senior, but a good way to stay in shape.

Gardening is a great way to burn calories. That's one of the benefits that can be very good for older folks. I'm included. It also is a fantastic way to spend some quality time with the grandchildren if you have any. When children are younger, they learn a lot from us. We want them to learn proper nutrition. It's a very important thing in life. Besides, learning to grow your own food is a plus. And this is also a very important thing.

And the grandchildren can get outside and get dirty, without getting into trouble for it. You'll get Vitamin D, strengthen your muscles, and decrease demtia too. You'll get great eye- hand coordination exercise, and can even improve some other skills which can help. 

Plant whatever makes you happy. But vegetables are a real table pleaser. Take Grandchildren with you when it's time to harvest some items in the evening for the dinner of the day. Flowers are a nice addition to the table at dinner.

It's a time to get outside and enjoy the gift of nature. Listening alone can be good for you. It decreases stress and helps you calm. If you live in the country like I did at one point, you may even have the pleasure of hearing an old owl in the evening doing his hooting.

People who are older need to stay active. This is one way for them to do that. They need to be able to move around and stay busy to be productive people. Some other examples of exercise that you get when you garden, are kneeling, squatting, lifting(carefully), digging(good for hands), planting, and pushing dirt back over holes for plants, removing seedlings from planters, spreading a bit of mulch, weeding, and many more. Just breathing the soil from the ground is good for your body. There are certain natural chemicals in the soil which is in our surroundings that is good for us, and helps us in many ways.If I could be in the yard right now, I would, unfortunately the place where I'm at, well, I don't think they want any garden work there. It's okay. Things will get better. Won't stay this way forever.

All in all, gardening is the highlight of spring and summer. To have a few friends over, and have a BBQ is one thing. But to have a few friends and a garden to view and enjoy at the BBQ!! That's fantastic!!!

Therapy Is Garden- Seniors Work With Nature- YouTube
85 Year Old Grandpa Gives Vegetable Gardening Tips- YouTube



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