Edible Garden Goodies with Thorns, or Sort of Thorns
They are not as popular. And rightly so. Some are just used as a guardian as a detourant specifically for intruders, and they do a pretty good job from what I've heard. Especially with rather large thorns like some of the Citrus in Florida. They be very dominating. With three inch thorns who wants an orange at night?? Good question . All I have to say is ouch! Ive seen one of these in the Orange Grove which existed behind our house in a town in Florida near Tampa. It sure had a great aroma though in spring!! And beautiful blossoms. Even my horse grab an Orange if he could reach it. He had a virtual canopy over his corral.
Like I said, these shrubs, and trees as well as plants can make a great impression on unwanted guests. But they also can sometimes be a very, very welcome guest in a nice bowl in someone's house. There are approximately seven wild edibleplants in Florida. Since Texas is kind of like Florida, I'm gonna make the assumption that some of these plants also exist in some of other southern states, or maybe a little further north. Some of these may be familiar to you as well.
There is of course, the Blackberry. A pretty scrumptious little berry, which comes in little cluster-like form. Rinsed, and spattered with just a bit of sugar, these small berries pack a delicious punch, or they can be made into a blackberry pie. One of the pies that Texas is known for . I was introduced to these upon making new friends when I first arrived in the state many, many years ago.
Another contender that is not heard of much is the Komquat. This is said to be a delightful little pot o hold which contains the unique quality of being a small fruit which you can gobble up whole, skin and fruit. It can be incorporated in several different ways and there is more on the one of the following sites about it. though I lived in Florida for a short time (it's a state I loved tremendously),I never had the opportunity to taste the Kumquat, though I'm sure I would have absolutely enjoyed it.
I can remember being outside one day on my Welsh horse and admiring the large vines of Muscadine Grapes dangling in the forest just beyond my parents first home. The woods were thick, so we're the Banana Spiders! That was enough to make me stay my distance. These spiders are rather big, and ominous. YUCK!!?
Muscadine Grapes are also popular in Texas if I remember. These are often used in forms of jams, or curries. Most likely due to them not being as sweeet as you would imagine.
There are several other types of berries, and fruit which take a little more time harvesting, and a bit more knowledge to be positive. It's best to ask a native person in the location, or ask someone at the nursery, or even extension office. Someone will be able to assist, but please ask first to be safe. But once you know for sure, you have something others may not yet have knowledge of : Where to find the best snacks.
I hope you enjoyed this article as well as I did. This really brought back many, many very young memories that we're good times while there. Please be careful if picking berries.
Florida's 7 Wild Edible Plants- Fleet Farming-https://fleetfarming.org>floridas 7
Florida's 7 Wild Edible Plants- Fleet Farming-https://fleetfarming.org>floridas 7