Teddy Bear?
Flowers are so cute sometimes. They aren't just pretty either. They are tasty treats. The Teddy Bear,(also known as the Fuzzy Face) is no exception, except that it's about two- three feet tall, and so adorably fuzzy you'll want to hug it. It resembles a pom pom.
Some facts are in order for this cutie pie.
The Teddy Bear with it's contagious bright, cheerful demeanor, first came about in November of the year 1902. Unbelievable huh?? He's not a new guy in town. And yes, it is so adorable, it's all of five inches in diameter. It looks like a pom pom, is easy to grow, has lots of blossoms can be grown in planters, is two- three feet tall, and yes, produces sunflower seeds.
If he weren't a flower, I'd probably marry him. Hahaha!!! Once the flower dies off, the seeds can be harvested. A video is sited, to learn more about that. Yes, they produce thank goodness. I wouldn't mind having it's cheerful presece about, but it's an added benefit when it produces as well. And the fact that it doesn't take as big an area as it's relative we're used to is fantastic.
The Teddy Bear is such a cheerful vibrant flower as well as cute with it's pom pom fuzziness, that it would tempt me to use the pom poms as a colorful background for the magnificent blue Bachelor's Button, setting this into fabulous artistic display.
I would most likely want to choose a vegetable, or something which is smaller in stature, and has another color, in order to give abundant varied color, complimenting the two. I find that with gardening I would like to not only have food, but add some beauty where I can. As the Teddy Grows and matures, it can be taken extra care of by plucking dead flowers from it to encourage growth. I use this term because not everyone understands what dead- heading, or pruning means exactly. And even if they do, some are begginers, or have language barriers which hold them back a bit, so I'm trying make sure that all understand. And besides, sometimes even those who have a little experience, but have been away from gardening for a long time aren't sure if the latest lingo. This gives them the chance to be sure of the meaning.
This is the first time I've encountered Teddy Bear, and I must say that I am very delighted to make his acquaintance. Quite a spiffy little fella if I must say so. He's quite dapper(so to speak).
Anyway, the Teddy Bear is a very easy plant to grow, and can cheer up any area with it's pom pom- like flowers. I hope you've enjoyed this article as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy gardening!!
Drying Sunflower Heads- How an Amish Farmer Taught Me- Migardener- youtube
How To Sprout Sunflower Seeds- Cheap& Easy-LifeAfter40s|Good- youtube
Drying Sunflower Heads- How an Amish Farmer Taught Me- Migardener- youtube
How To Sprout Sunflower Seeds- Cheap& Easy-LifeAfter40s|Good- youtube