PLEASE PLEASE DON'T FORGET THE COUNTY PLANT SALES COMING UP FOR SPRING IN YOUR COUNTY!!! Most people it seems have forgotten the older ways of beautiful gardening! Youngsters interested should be shown. Here's your chance to help yourself, and maybe a friend, or neighbor add some beauty to their yard! These people at the county offices are fantastic!!! They'll assist you if you are a new gardener, or older. They can give advice that you wouldn't believe. They have low-income advice, and any level, and at the same time, check out some of the other events coming your way that they have in store for you! So on March 28th, grab a few gals, pals, and others, and head over to your local County Extension Office .They are there to serve you with smiles a and happy to be there NOTE:Sadly, the plant sale looks as if it's been cancelled for now due to the sheltering in place order. But there is plenty planned for later after the order is lifted, and if I remember corre...
Its odd. We, as human beings never realize the things we have in common with plants. They have a love for pretty music, and cheerful tones, so do we. They adore attention, so do we at times. They like quiet conversations, us too. And they also have some physical features in common too!They have Elbows, which are important, which I'll explain how they're vital to your plant, especially if they are a Pothos, or another vining plant similar to it. Elbows(also known as joints), are like your plant's lifeline. This may be where you notice new growth. Often times it is where new branches bud from, or new leaves. Every once in a while, it doesn't hurt to check for new growth, and clear any old debris that may be slowing down new twigs, branches, or leaves . As the weather gets warmer, it's always a good idea to clear out any debris from your plants, including veggies. You feel better when you clean up, they do too . And it healthier (generally speaking), to kee...
The basic tools you're going to use almost daily in your garden, are a good trowel (hand held), and a good Spade, rich potting soil, and maybe some kind of fertilizer. This will give your plants, and flowers that added zest to feed them. Fertilizing can really give your plants a great boost, but only when done well. So please be sure to do plenty of research on the subject. There's a lot of information that can be helpful. If you have a vegetable fetish, and would like to really pinch corners, then the next time you buy produce of any sort, pluck the seeds out, set them on a dry paper towel, or paper plate, or most anything you feel they'll be rather safe on, and allow them to dry in the sun for a few days. When they feel as if they have dried enough to put them in the ground, you have seeds for growing.You can also do this with raw corn, cataloupes, watermelon, lemons, oranges peas, beans, and (maybe even rice), never tried it. Experiment. ...